The “Jogo do Pau Português” is a martial art of Portuguese origin that…

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The “Jogo do Pau Português” is a martial art of Portuguese origin that…
International Stafffighters Gathering Event Suspended because of Covid 19 Pandemic situation.
We all know the importance of a good wooden staff in the practice…
Sarilhos, Formas and Séries are training methods in the “Jogo do Pau” martial art that to some degree can be compared or described as the “Kata” of the Portuguese traditional martial art. The execution of a combination of attacks and defenses, in a sequence with the objective of perfecting ones techanique and learning
Aptitude for Street fighting in Martial Arts and MMA | Stafffighters.
We see fighters, coaches and promoters criticizing traditional martial arts, as experts in fighting and commenting on the lack of applicability of these in real combat/ street fighting. In truth, they are technically as poorly prepared as any traditional martial artist to face real street fighting / self defense.
Distance in Jogo do Pau – Portuguese Stickfighting
We must always keep in mind that using a stick with approximately 1,5m gives us the possibility of reaching an opponent at a distance and defend any attack that is directed at us, however it has its advantages and disadvantages.